Here are some Napoleonic French Dragoons from Airfix Waterloo French Cuirassier, most of which were losing paint and without horses. I dug through my bags of figures and made up enough to have a unit of 24 ranks and 4 officer/trumpeter figures. Most were painted in Humbrol enamels which have faded and chipped. I use El Cheapo acrylics by and large, the kind you get for a dollar, like Folk Art and Decoart, Ceramacoat, Apple Barrel etc. Most uniforms were faced with pinkish hue, probably Aurore, a salmon pink/"orangy" colour peculiar to Napoleon's armies. I made the decision to paint them a pink, like the 17th Dragoons, which means I'll have to green up many a collar. Unfortunately the facing colours don't match up on film. They look pretty good in natural light. I made a kettledrummer, based on the Airfix Hussar one. Again, not historically accurate but OK for me. The flag is also inappropriate, but the original-painted foil- is in absolute tatters so this will do for now.

I made a 3 man half squadron of Elites with Italeri Grenadier bearskins. I also tried a Vallejo paint on these.My God, those paints go on well, but the colours are very vibrant, almost neon! I'm used to coaxing life out of older bottles of Folk Art paint. This stuff is amazing. I bought the metallic ones to replace my aged Games Workshop ones and I am impressed. So bright!

The horses are Airfix with a floral wire pin through the wooden domino base into the horse and fixed with PVA and Krazy Glue. The base is painted green and awaiting some GW flock. I finished the figures with some Sharpie pen outlines and a coat of PVA glue.
These guys are next in the queue. Some French Chevaux Legers Lanciers, again rescued from an Ebay bag of goodies.